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 Our Logo - A Red Shouldered Hawk over a River Canyon
Celebrating our
49th Year!

Wilderness River Journeys with James Henry River Journeys


Photography Workshops

Photo Gallery

Crew and Facilitators

Schedule & Prices
Registration Form

Northern California
Photography Workshops

Wildflowers and the
Elements of Design

April 8

The Joy of Abstract and
Impressionistic Photography

May 6

Magnificent Tatshenshini-Alsek River

Expanded Itinerary and Trip Details

June 22-July 3
July 10-21
July 27-Aug 7
Aug 12-23
Aug 27-Aug 7

Learn More about James Henry River Journeys
and James Katz Photoworkshops

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Our Destinations

Since 1973 James Henry River Journeys has been introducing adventurous souls to the delights of whitewater river travel on Alaska, Oregon, California, and Idaho rivers. From the excitement of challenging whitewater to the serenity of moving water, we've provided unique trips for individuals and families seeking fun-filled, adventure-oriented, vacations on the finest rivers of the American West and Alaska. Our unique offerings have given us a unique niche in the river-running and adventure travel community.

Since the inception of our company, we have been committed to the concept that river travel can be both pleasurable and enriching. Our special-interest rafting adventures are a natural outgrowth of this idea. Our core program includes anthropology and photographic expeditions on S.E. Alaska’s magnificent Tatshenshini-Alsek River and on the North Slope, the sublime Marsh Fork of the Canning. These journeys are in-depth encounters with the spirit of the pristine North and its wildlife.

are taught by James Katz, spring and fall along the Northern California Coast at Pt Reyes National Seashore: "Wildflowers and the Elements of Design" and "The Joy of Abstract Photography" .

We invite you to rejuvenate yourself. Take the less-traveled path and discover the joys of a wilderness river journey. Our expert Guides and Facilitators and their attention to quality, safety, and service, are ready to lend their expertise to make your vacation the best one ever.

Don’t hesitate to give us a call. We love to chat about our trips.

Best Wishes,
Jimmy Katz - Director and Founder


 For reservations and other information, contact:



 James Henry River Journeys
P.O. Box 807
Bolinas, CA 94924


 Business Hours:
11:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Pacific Time



James Henry River Journeys_red tailed hawk

S.F. Bay Area


James Henry River Journeys Home | Our Destinations |
Schedule and Prices | Special Deals | About Us |
| Booking Info | How To Contact Us | Catalog Request |
Photography Workshops | Gallery | Literary Corner | Other Resources

Photography within this Web site is copyrighted by James Katz
of James Henry River Journeys and James Katz, photographer and
may not be reproduced without permission of the photographer.
Additional images used are credited to contributing photographer.

Copyright ©2000. All Rights Reserved.
Revised 3/23/2022
James Henry River Journeys/Wilderness Journeys
